Green Management
- Sustainability
- Environmental
- Green Management
Green Management Vision 2030
Hyosung Heavy Industries declared Green Management Vision 2030 in an effort to become a sustainable company that promotes a better life for humanity. Based on our four objectives of reducing GHG emissions, developing eco-friendly technologies and expanding the market, establishing an eco-friendly corporate culture, and enhancing stakeholder confidence, we establish and implement company-wide climate change response strategies by assigning specific responsibilities for each objective.
14.5% reduction of GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2018
- Reduction of GHG emissions through external reduction projects such as SDM* in line with the Paris Agreement
- Reduction of GHG emissions through energy saving activities at each business site and expansion of introducing new and renewable energy
- Efficient GHG management facilitated by the in-house carbon asset management system and product carbon footprint calculation system
- Establishment of a climate change risk and opportunity identification process for risk hedge and opportunity identification
- Sustainable Development Mechanism under the Paris Agreement
Market development and expansion through the development of green technologies
- Expansion of new and renewable energy businesses, such as hydrogen, solar power, and wind power, in pursuit of carbon neutrality and green growth
- Expansion of green technology capabilities such as eco-friendly transformers, Novec mixtures gas Insulated Switchgear and Polyketone, a non-hazardous plastic
- Expansion of circular economy products including used PET bottles, yarn made from discarded fishing nets, and recycled car floor mats
- Pioneering new markets through energy-saving technologies, such as HVDC, STATCOM, and carbon fiber (TANSOME®)
Nurturing a corporate culture by establishing sustainable infrastructure
- Pursuing environmental impact minimization through advanced water and air pollution control systems
- Saving water by expanding the use of recycled water and reducing waste discharge via recycling
- Consistent promotion of mutual cooperation and growth via energy performance diagnosis and facility support for partners
- Establishment of sustainable infrastructure by expanding purchases of eco-friendly and green technology products
Enhancement of stakeholder trust through transparent information disclosure
- Establishment of a green management system by increasing the number of green and eco-friendly certifications
- Building trust with stakeholders through participation in the CDP** and the Env-Info System, and publication of sustainability reports
- Voluntary participation in global climate change initiatives
- Constant communication with local residents and participation in local nature conservation activities, such as entitling each company to cleanup a river, park, or mountain
- Carbon Disclosure Project
Becoming a sustainable
that improves people's
quality of life
Green Management Governance
Hyosung Heavy Industries' Board of Directors monitors and supervises risks related to the climate crisis, risk response activities, and associated investment plans. The company has integrated its existing EHS (Environment, Health, Safety) Committee and CSR Committee into a single highest decision-making body, the ESG Management Promotion Committee, which also oversees decisions related to social and governance issues.
The dedicated Green Management Committee receives reports from the ESG Management Team on greenhouse gas reduction activities and climate crisis strategy formulation plans. It then monitors the implementation results, assesses performance, and promotes improvements. The Management Administration Team is responsible for identifying any surplus or shortfall in greenhouse gas emissions allowances, while the environmental and production departments at the business sites manage energy consumption reduction and the execution of greenhouse gas reduction measures.
Board of Directors
· Management and Supervision of Sustainability Management, including Climate Crisis
· ESG Risk Management -
ESG Management
Promotion Committee· Highest Decision-Making Body for Sustainability Management
· Goals, Strategies, and Risk Management Related to Sustainability Management
Board of Directors
- Dedicated Body
Green Management
Committee· Climate Crisis Strategy Implementation Monitoring
Green Management
- Responsible Department
- ESG Management Development of climate crisis response strategy, performance management, and reporting
- Management Administration Team Identification of Surplus or Deficit in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowances
- Changwon Plant Environmental/Production Support Department Identification and Implementation of Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Projects
- Environmental Department for Construction Sites Identification and Implementation of Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Projects
Environmental Management System
In accordance with ISO 14001 (Environmental management systems), Hyosung Heavy Industries has established
an environmental management system based on the environmental operation management process.
- AEnvironmental operation and management process
- 1.Management of organizational status
- 2.Risk management
- 3.Impact assessment
- 4.Legal and policy management
- 5.Environmental permits and licenses
- 6.Green management operation activities
- Waste management
- Air quality management
- Soil management
- Chemical management
- Water management
- 7.Compliance evaluation management
- 8.Change management
- BGreen management
communication - CEducation and training
- DEmergency response to
environmental and safety risks- 1.Scenario creation by situation
- 2.Emergency response training
- 3.Improvement of the emergency response system
Eco-Friendly Product and Technology Development Strategy
According to Vision 2030, Hyosung Heavy Industries concentrates its efforts on the research and development of green technologies and products based on the company's core value of innovation and the strategy of "Market development and business expansion through the development of green technologies." We are securing future growth engines and achieving sustainable growth in line with our vision. In the field of power facilities, we focus on enhancing the ESS business's capacity for efficient energy use, including power supply and demand.
As the hydrogen economy grows, we also aggressively promote new and renewable energy businesses and endeavor to secure the growth of key future businesses by expanding the eco-friendly hydrogen business. We will take the lead in addressing climate change and establishing an eco-friendly business ecosystem through substantial R&D investments in eco-friendly products and technologies.
product &
- Hyosung Way Innovation
- “Challenging New Possibilities.”
- VISION 2030 Strategy
Market development and business
expansion through the development of
green technologies
Conversion to
eco-friendly materials- Eco-friendly conversion of transformer and Gas Insulated Switchgear materials
- Development of eco-friendly application technology
- Development of SF6 gas alternative
Distributed power solutions
and operating solutions- Development of an ESS Battery fire detection system
- Development of microgrid power routers
- Development of electricity trading services at virtual power plants using distributed resources
Construction of EV charging
infrastructure- Development of a power conversion system for rapid charging
- Participation in a project to construct EV charging stations using biogas resources
- Development of a carbon-free hydrogen fueling station design technology
Green Management Risk Management

Hyosung Heavy Industries has established a risk management process that can identify and systematically respond to risks and opportunities that entail climate change and other major environmental issues (including those associated with resource circulation, water, soil, biodiversity, pollutants, chemical substances). We identify and evaluate risks by analyzing stakeholder demands and the internal and external business environment. Climate change risk factors include transition risk due to market and technological changes resulting from the transition to a low-carbon economy, and short- and long-term physical risks due to climate change, such as typhoons, droughts, and floods.
Each year, Hyosung Heavy Industries updates its risk management status in order to identify new risks and enhance the concreteness of its countermeasures. Such updates are reported to the ESG Management Promotion Committee, and significant risks to the BoD.
Efforts to Expand Green Management Awareness

Hyosung Heavy Industries has organized various contests and projects to increase eco-consciousness in society, as well as green management training for
employees. We held eco-friendly idea contests for university students from 2017 to 2019, and an internal contest for reducing GHG emissions and
energy consumption in 2021. As such, we will devote ourselves to increasing the interest of stakeholders in sustainable management.
Eco-Friendly Idea Contest
In 2019, the concept of a "low-cost mask capable of chemical purification" received the grand prize. Coating the particulate matter filter with a combination of various chemical solutions increases its efficiency by overcoming the limitations of existing particulate matter filters, which cannot filter out small particles contained in particulate matter.
In 2018, the grand prize went to "defecation bags made from bioplastics and containing seeds." These bags aim at preventing pollution and maintaining a clean environment. They are made from bioplastics that decompose in 20 days, and with seeds inside the bags, pet waste becomes natural fertilizer for flowers.
The winners for the 2017 contest were "wireless electronic device charging shoes" and "brake pad dust collection device with zeolite filters applied."