Human Rights

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Respect for Human Rights

“Respect for human beings must serve as the foundation of management.

The current era is shifting to one in which everyone demands that companies respect people because they are the products of human labor. however, it appears that many companies do not go far enough to improve employee treatment or welfare benefits.

These two factors are crucial, and management centering on respect for humanity means that the company should strive to develop people on a fundamental level.”

- From the Memoirs of the Founder of Hyosung Group, Hong-je Cho -

Human Rights Management Declaration and Human Rights Policy

  • · Hyosung Heavy Industries is dedicated to realizing its corporate philosophy of becoming a "global enterprise operating on the foundation of respect for humanity." To this end, we publicly support and respect the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the labor standards defined under domestic labor laws.
  • · By establishing a Human Rights Policy and publicly declaring the CEO’s commitment to human rights management, Hyosung Heavy Industries strives to protect and promote the human rights of all stakeholders, including employees, business partners, and clients, both directly and indirectly associated with the company.

Hyosung Heavy Industries Human Rights Management Policy and Principles

  • · Hyosung Heavy Industries aims for mutual growth with all stakeholders through the value system known as ‘Hyosung Way,’ which is based on ‘leading better human life through the best technology and management capabilities.’
  • · To protect the human rights of stakeholders, Hyosung Heavy Industries has established a human rights policy. This policy reflects international standards and human rights norms, including the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Ten Principles, labor standards set by the International Labour Organization (ILO), and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
  • · Hyosung Heavy Industries is committed to the protection and promotion of labor rights in all countries where it operates, not only in South Korea, where its headquarters are located, but also in every country where it conducts business. We adhere to labor condition standards and local labor regulations.

Hyosung Heavy Industries has established its human rights policy in accordance with the UNGC Ten Principles and provides a framework based on nine core human rights management principles to guide all employees in making correct and ethical decisions.

  • Non-
  • Humanitarianism
  • Privacy
  • Compliance with
  • Prohibition of
    Workplace Harassment
  • Freedom of
  • Protection of
    Human Rights for
    Local Residents
  • Guaranteed
  • Prohibition of
    Forced Labor and
    Child Labor

Strategy and Roadmap for the Advancement of Human Rights Management

Strategy and Roadmap for the Advancement of Human Rights Management

Human Rights Risk Management System

Human Rights Risk Management Process

Hyosung Heavy Industries manages human rights risks through an annual internal human rights impact assessment. This assessment helps to proactively identify potential risks to stakeholders, and establish and implement activities to prevent and mitigate negative human rights impacts.

Operation of Reporting Center

A reporting system for issues such as child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, undue demands, unfair treatment, discrimination, and harassment is established both internally and externally. Additionally, a human rights violation remedy manual has been developed to implement procedures for protecting and remedying victims in accordance with regulations in the event of human rights violations.

Employee Human Rights Training

• Various online and offline human rights training programs are conducted for all employees, including both permanent and contract staff. These programs focus on preventing sexual harassment and sexual violence, addressing power abuse and workplace bullying, and improving awareness of disabilities.
• We create a preventive human rights protection environment through various campaigns that promote respect for human rights.
• We have established and implemented a comprehensive plan to eradicate power abuse, fostering a culture of mutual respect through ongoing prevention activities.

Target Training Topics Content
All Employees Prevention of Workplace Sexual Harassment Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence, related regulations, etc.
Prevention of Workplace Bullying Definitions and types of disabilities, related laws and systems, etc.
Disability Awareness Training Definitions and types of disabilities, related laws and systems, etc.
Introduction to Human Rights (Dignity) Meaning of Human Dignity, human rights history, etc.
Child Labor and Forced Labor Around Us Cases of child labor and forced labor, Modern Slavery Act, etc.

Family-Friendly Management

Hyosung Heavy Industries supports all employees, including both full-time and contract staff, in achieving a work-life balance through family-friendly management practices.

Implementation of Flexible Work Arrangements

  • We adhere to the 52-hour weekly legal working hours and implement flexible work arrangements to enhance productivity.
  • We offer both the flexible working time system and the discretionary working time system, with overtime pay provided for work performed beyond the specified working hours.
  • We allocate working hours appropriately based on individual workloads and allow employees to manage their working hours flexibly and efficiently.

Operation of Refresh Leave and Designated Days Off

  • Considering employees who may find it difficult to take vacations due to factory operation schedules, we have a refresh leave system allowing continuous use of 5 days of annual leave.
  • Through the designated days off system, we provide extended holidays by using annual leave on bridge days. In 2023, we also provided designated days off in months without statutory holidays.
Support Programs Details
Child Education Support
  • • Full coverage of entrance fees and tuition for children attending regular high schools and 4-year universities/colleges in Korea.
  • • Financial support also provided for children attending foreign high schools and universities.
Leisure Activity Support
  • • Funding for employee club activities.
  • • Condo support available for employees and their immediate family members.
Health Management
  • • Comprehensive health check-ups provided for all employees.
  • • Comprehensive health check-ups provided for spouses of employees aged 40 and above.
  • • Accident insurance for all employees, covering medical expenses, daily hospitalization allowances, and dental treatment.
Maternity Protection Programs
  • • 90 days of leave before and after childbirth and leave provided for prenatal check-ups.
  • • Reduced working hours during pregnancy.
  • • Leave support in case of miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • • Reduced working hours and infant leave available after childbirth.
  • • Guaranteed breastfeeding time and provision of breastfeeding rooms.
  • • Spousal maternity leave and family care leave available when family members are ill.
  • • Restriction on night and holiday work for pregnant employees.
In-House Childcare Facility
  • • Childcare centers operated at the Mapo and Changwon locations.
  • • High-quality services provided through specialized outsourced teachers, with regular environmental hazard detection inspections to ensure the best childcare environment for employees' children.