Personnel System
- Company
- Careers
- Personnel System
Evaluation System
Performance Management Cycle
- Goal achievement
- Evaluation
- Performance-based rewards
- Coaching & feedback
- Work Attitude Evaluation
- Every year, the behavioral requirements for each of the 15 working attitude items are evaluated. By conducting multi-dimensional evaluations of working attitude items and receiving feedback using evaluation reports that include strengths and areas for improvement, we ensure fairness in evaluation
- Performance evaluation
- We encourage employees to voluntarily achieve their goals through clearly defined performance targets and growth directions that are established and shared transparently. Moreover, we encourage the employees through motivation provided by differentiated rewards and promotions based on their organizational mission and business activities. Additionally, we aim to maximize performance by providing differentiated compensation depending on performance levels
Rewards System
Competitive Rewards
We ensure market competitiveness in compensation in order to attract and retain top talent
Top Rewards for Top Performance
We operate a reward system that is correlated with both organizational and individual performance in order to achieve a performance-oriented work culture.
Base salary
- The most crucial aspect of salary
- Differential compensation based on individual performance in a personnel evaluation
- Additional compensation for positions and qualifications
Performance pay
- Maximized performance in relation to performance unit evaluations
- Differential pay based on performance relative to the organization's objectives set at the start of the year
Promotion System
Aiming for fair promotions
The promotion system evaluates the individual's achievements and whether they possess the qualities and capabilities required for each position by comprehensively assessing various fields such as personnel evaluation, rewards and punishments, foreign language proficiency, and leadership to determine promotion.
Work and Life Balance
To enhance employee engagement and job satisfaction, Hyosung Heavy Industries provides support for work-life balance and creates a desirable organizational culture for employees to work in. Through family-friendly management, we work to ensure that workers and their families can be content together with Hyosung.
Rewards for long-term employees
- Compensatory vacations granted for employees who have worked for 10 years and 20 years
Congratulatory and condolence money and vacation
- Congratulatory and consolatory funds and leave for family events
Commemorative gifts
- Gifts for employees and one designated person of their choice on their birthdays
- Commemorative gifts to all employees on the anniversary of the company's founding
Flexible working hours system
- Flexible working hours system to increase work productivity and comply with legal working hours of 52 hours a week
- Hyosung’s flexible working hours system pays for overtime work allowance for work performed outside of the designated working hours, and optional and flexible working hours
- Flexible and efficient working hours by allowing employees to have options and appropriately distribute working hours accordingly to employees’ work volume
Employee discounts
- Use of Hyosung Group affiliated welfare malls
- Employee discounts for Sebitseom
Retiree support system
- Re-employment support system provided to prospective retirees and education for career design to support employees over the age of 50 to prepare for their second life
- Support for employees over the age of 50 to prepare for their life after retirement by allowing employees to apply for areas they need assistance through diagnosis including relationships, networks, health, finances, residence, and leisure
Family-friendly management
- We have obtained family-friendly certification by actively promoting employee participation in various programs such as flexible working arrangements and childcare support
In-house daycare center
- Daycare centers at Mapo and Changwon plants
- Regular environmental hazard identification and quality services with teachers from specialized consignment companies to provide the best childcare environment for employees’ children
Children’s educational expenses
- Full support for the enrollment and tuition fees of children attending regular domestic high schools, four-year universities, and colleges, or those who are already enrolled
- Financial support even when children are studying at foreign high schools and universities
Maternity leave
- A 90 to 120-day leave before and after childbirth, as well as leave for prenatal checkups
- Reduced working hours during pregnancy
- Leave and medical expense support in case of miscarriage or stillbirth
- Reduced working hours and availability of parental leave after childbirth
- Guaranteed breastfeeding time and operation of nursing rooms
- Spousal childbirth leave and family care leave for when family members are ill
- Restriction on night and holiday work for pregnant employees
Summer leave and vacation pay
- All employees are entitled to consecutive use of summer leave and vacation pay throughout the year
Refresh vacation system
- Refresh vacation system for employees to use five consecutive days of annual leave in consideration of those who find it difficult to take annual leave due to plant operation schedules
Support for leisure activities
- Payment of expenses for employee club activities
- Condos available for use by employees and their immediate families
Use of condominium memberships
- Support for the use of condominium memberships by employees and their immediate families
Designated holiday system
- Employees can designate holiday on months without a legal holiday and holidays assigned using annual leave with long weekends
Support for language programs
- Support for online/offline language programs for overseas employees or those who wish to work abroad
Support for degree programs
- Support for domestic and international academic training programs
Support for external competency-building programs
- Employees are provided with costs for external training, such as job training and languages, to build their competencies
Proud Member of Hyosung Awards
- Proud Member of Hyosung Awards granted quarterly and annually to employees who worked hard for the company’s accomplishments and development in four sectors: marketing, technology, research, and support
- Recognition and encouragement for employees’ efforts by expanding rewards to include not just quantitative achievements but also qualitative contributions and giving motivations to reach management goals and create outcomes
HR Counseling Center
- Feedback is given on problems related to work, human resources, and relationships, including sexual harassment, embezzlement, and solicitation for employment, received through the whistleblower protection system by an interview with the HR executive, and details of the interview are kept under strict security
- Contributing to lowering the turnover rate and increasing employee satisfaction by counseling on problems or giving opportunities to internal job transfers
A two-way communication channel between the company and employees
- Operation of Tongtong Board (anonymous board) and Waggle Waggle (pen-name-based board) on the intranet where employees can share work-related information and company news and exchange opinions
- Feedback from the company and active communication for all suggestions and proposals posted anonymously on Tongtong Board by employees
Health check-ups
- Comprehensive health check-ups for all employees
- Comprehensive health check-ups for spouses of employees aged 40 and older
Group accident insurance
- Group accident insurance (actual medical expenses) for all employees
Expansion of organizational culture activities
We listen to the opinions of our employees and reflect them to achieve organizational innovation,
creating a good working environment and a positive organizational culture.
Enhancement of communication
We strive to enhance communication both internally and externally by pursuing bi-directional communication through conversations with management and an internal bulletin board. Additionally, we have established and operate various channels to inform more people about Hyosung.
communication channels- We operate Tongtong Board (anonymous board) and Waggle Waggle (pen-name-based board) on the intranet where employees can share work-related information and company news and exchange opinions
- The company provides feedback on proposals and suggestions posted on the anonymous Tongtong Board
- My FRIEND HYOSUNG blog and HBS in-house broadcasting and magazine are used to deliver various news and social contribution activities of the company both internally and externally
- Through YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and KakaoTalk channels, we introduce information about the company's products, sustainable management, and more
Communicator system
- At domestic and overseas performance units (PU) and business locations, one or more employees are selected as communicators
- Training on the importance and roles of organizational communication
- Promotion of news of each business unit within the company
HR Counseling Center
- Immediate reporting of grievances related to work, personnel, and human relationships, including sexual harassment, embezzlement, and personnel misconduct, to the HR executive
- The executive in charge of personnel conducts direct interviews and provides feedback and opportunities for inter job transfers
Communication between
labor and management- A labor union is organized within the company
- At each workplace, the company shares its management status with on-site workers through regular management briefings and meetings with different levels of employees
- Establishment of labor-management council by business site
- Establishment of Labor-Management Council by business site, appointment of grievance handling committee members among Labor-Management Council members, holding regular quarterly meetings, and immediate review and overall management of grievances received