- Company
- Company Profile
- R&D
We are devoted to technology development by leading the global market.
Hyosung's technology has been recognized globally in the extra-high-voltage power equipment sector including the successful development of a 765 kV extra-high-voltage transformer and 800 kV extra-high-voltage GIS for the first time in Korea. The Hyosung Power & Industrial Systems R&D Center has been leading the development of electrical equipment technology in Korea since its establishment in 1978 and accelerating the development of new technologies, including ESS, STATCOM, and voltage source converter (VSC) HVDC in response to the new paradigm of DC grids in the power industries.
The Center also researches and develops eco-friendly products such as eco-friendly transformers using eco-friendly transformer oil, eco-friendly GIS using eco-friendly gas as an alternative to SF6 gas, as well as design technologies for efficient and cost-reducing multi-energy refueling stations using biogas in response to the climate crisis and to practice carbon neutrality. It establishes an asset management solution that offers systematic facility management services combined with products, services, and operating systems based on Industry 4.0 technologies.
Research Areas
Key Development History
- First in Korea to conduct a type test for the 200 MW VSC HVDC converter and a factory acceptance test (FAT) for the HVDC system
- Developed the 30 MW MVDC system
- Developed 3 MW/3.8 MW PCS with 98.5% efficiency for PV-linked and large-sized ESS market in Korea and overseas
- Improved the fire prevention system of ESS batteries for KEPCO system stabilization
- Developed 145 kV/300 kV LPIT and MU for the digital substation market
- R&D on an eco-friendly gas alternative to SF6 gas for GIS and eco-friendly transformer oil
- Developed a power conversion system (semiconductor transformer) for rapid charging of EVs and a design technology for hydrogen fueling stations to meet the demand for eco-friendly vehicle fueling infrastructure
- Completed performance test of submodule and controller for development of the 200 MW VSC HVDC system
- Developed 3 MW/3.8 MW PCS with 98.5% efficiency for PV-linked and large-sized ESS market in Korea and overseas
- Developed 145 kV/300 kV LPIT and MU for digital substation market
- R&D on an eco-friendly gas alternative to SF6 gas for GIS and eco-friendly transformer oil
- Developed a power conversion system (semiconductor transformer) for rapid charging of EVs and a design technology for hydrogen fueling stations to meet the demand for eco-friendly vehicle fueling infrastructure
- Produced the prototype of submodule and controller for development of the 200 MW VSC HVDC system
- Developed 2.5 MW modular PCS with 98.7% efficiency for PV-linked and large-sized ESS market in Korea
- Developed and built an asset management system (AMS) for Electricity of Mozambique (EDM)
- R&D on eco-friendliness and developed electronic LPIT for 145 kV GIS for the digital substation market
- Developed key components such as submodule and controller for the development of a 200MW voltage HVDC system
- Developed 700kW DC-DC PCS with 98.5% efficiency for railroad car (installed in Osong DC Substation)
- 125 KW ESS PCS acquired UL certification
- Developed 2MWh ESS with 97% efficiency for low-tension direct current distribution (installed in KEPCO Gochang Electricity Test Center)
- Developed 7MWh ESS for DC Grid and established an energy cost-saving test site at the Chosun University campus
- 20MW BTB MMC HVDC pilot site commissioning
- 400MW class MMC STATCOM installation and commercial operation (KEPCO Shin-youngju S/S, Shin-Choongju S/S)
- Development of Asset Management Solution for 154kV Substation. (AHMS First in Korea)
- Developed an integrated ESS control solution
- Commercially operated Gimje Substation’s 48MW ESS station for indoor FRs
- Developed ESS with solar power connectivity (Installed 50.3MW/160MWh, including 7MW/18MWh in Yeongheung, 8MW/33MWh for Haenam Green, and 12.5kW/32MW in Samcheonpo)
- Developed a 2MW ES PCS for frequency adjustment for KEPCO (landed KEPCO's 3rd project, 48MW for Gimje Substation)
- Developed MG systems for self-sufficient energy islands (3.25MW/3MWh for Gapado, 250kW/500kWh for Geochado)
- Developed an 1MW class outdoor PV PCS for the U.S. Market (acquired UL certification, CEC efficiency 98%)
- Developed an asset management solution for 154kV-class transformers and GIS (the first of its kind in South Korea)
- Low voltage high output 315-400Fr. Developed an induction motor (315Fr. 4P IE3 efficiency certification)
- Developed an IE4 class LS-SynRM 3.7kW (developed the world’s first direct-on-line magnet-resistant synchronous motor)
- Developed ESS for renewable energy generation for Youngheung Thermal Power Plant (South Korea’s first, 4MW PCS / 16MWh battery)
- Developed energy-saving ESS for the Gyeongju headquarters building of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (1MW PCS / 2MWh battery)
- Acquired certification for 150MW class MMC, STATCOM, and KEMA
- Developed a lineup of IE4 super premium class SynRM motors of 45kW or less
- Developed an MW class battery energy storage system with renewable energy connectivity
- Developed a 20MW class VSC HVDC
- Developed an 150MW class MMC STATCOM
- Developed a stand-alone micro grid and a battery energy storage system for off-grid island areas
- Developed an IE4 super premium grade SynRM motor
- Developed an 1MW class battery energy storage system
- Developed 250kW/500kW PV PCS
- Developed a 80kW PMSM motor and driver for electric vehicles
- Developed a charging system for electric vehicles
- Developed a diagnostic system for transformer partial discharge
- Developed 20kW · 800kW PCS for power storage
- Developed a propulsion motor for the Navy’s next-generation heavy weight torpedoes
- Developed a 50kW EV class driving motor (applied to HMC's electric car “Ray”)
- Developed a transformer dissolved gas diagnosis solution (HiDGA)
- Developed an IEC-61850-based IED for 154kV main transformers/170kV GIS IED
- Developed a 60kW class EV driving motor (applied to HMC’s electric car “Blue-On”)
- Developed a high capacity propulsion motor for submarines
- Developed a 750kW class DFIG type PCS for wind power generation systems
- Developed an 100MVA STATCOM
- Developed a grid-connected solar inverter (3kW, 50kW, and 250kW)
- Developed an1kW class PEMFC power generation system for homes
- Developed an eco-friendly 25.8kV 25kA Dry Air-Insulated Switchgear (DAIS)
- Developed 245kV 40kA Motor Direct Drive Mechanism (MDDM) GIS
- Developed an 154kV gas transformer
- Developed a 2MW class wind power system
- Developed a 10MVA STATCOM
- Developed a partial discharge diagnosis system for GIS
- Localized the core components of transmission grade FACTS (the first in South Korea)
- Developed a 750kW class wind power generation system
- Developed an100kwW class PCS for fuel cells
- Developed 36kV 31.5kA GIS
- Developed 245kV 50kA GIS (the first in South Korea)
- Developed 25.8kV 25kA GIS (changed application standards, the first in South Korea)
- Developed 24kV 40kA 3000A GIS (the first in South Korea)
- Developed 362kV 50kA GIS (the first in South Korea)
- Developed a 154kV 80MVA UPFC (FACTS) pilot plant (the first in South Korea)
- Developed a substation automation system
- Developed 300kV 40kA GIS
- Developed a transformer for 154kV 40MVA FACTS
- Developed a 170kV gas circuit breaker without inter-polar condenser
- Developed a digital protection relay for electric power distribution
- Developed a 800kV ultra high voltage circuit breaker
- Developed a 765kV Transformer Preventive Diagnostic System
- Developed a 200kW gas engine cogeneration system
- Developed a package type CNG charging system
- Developed a Q-class high capacity electric motor for nuclear power plants
- Developed 362kV 63kA 8000A GIS (the first in the world)
- Developed a gas turbine co-generator
- Developed a traction motor for railway cars
- Developed a 765kV transformer (the first in South Korea)
- Developed 70kV 31.5kA 1200A GIS
- Amorphous transformer (the first in South Korea)
- Developed a 54kV phase isolation transformer (3ph 154kV phase)
- Developed a 345kV transformer for nuclear power plants (1ph 345kV 1187MVA / Bank)