Talent Development
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- Careers
- Talent Development
Talent Development direction
The talent development direction of Hyosung Group is to cultivate global talent to achieve value management through global excellence. To achieve this, we have set spreading core values, nurturing leaders, and enhancing on-site capabilities as the mission of the Hyosung HRD Institute.
Hyosung Talent Development Strategy
Sharing management philosophy
global capabilities -
development -
Enhancing professionalism
in job skills
Spreading core values
We spread the core values, management policies, and desirable attitudes and behaviors that employees should have to all employees.
Nurturing leaders
Leadership training
Leadership training is a strategic tool used to develop and implement Hyosung's vision and core tasks. Various leadership development programs are provided for each level, aiming to foster team leaders and ultimately develop management leaders who will lead Hyosung.Enhancement of on-site competency
We aim to achieve global excellence in value management by enhancing the field capabilities of all employees through step-by-step training programs provided for each position, including sales, production, research, and management.
Internal Adaptation Program
Hyosung operates an internal adaptation program to help newly hired employees quickly adapt to the organization and demonstrate their capabilities. The training targets are newly hired employees, including new employees selected through open recruitment, experienced employees who join through irregular recruitment, and externally recruited executives. Hyosung plans to continuously manage and maintain the internal adaptation program to provide various programs that meet the diverse needs in the rapidly changing internal and external human resource management environment.
Target | Internal Adaptation Program |
New employees |
Experienced employees |
Sales executives |
Training Program for Practicing Social Responsibility
In response to the growing emphasis on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), Hyosung provides training programs on related topics throughout the company. We provide sustainability management training programs for our employees, including an overview of ESG management and legal compliance training, covering seven areas such as environment, ethics, safety/health, fair trade, human rights, and information security.
Sustainability management training for employees
Environmental Training
- GHGs and global warming
- Hazardous chemicals
Ethical Management
- Anti-corruption guide
- Reported corruptions
- Work environment management
- Safety management guidelines
- Health management
Fair Trade
- Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act
- Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act
- Fair Agency Transactions Act
Human Rights
- Prevention of discrimination and harassment
- Prevention of sexual harassment
- Raising disability awareness
Information Security
- Raising security awareness
- Privacy protection
Overview of ESG Management
- Understanding ESG management
- Corporate social responsibility (brand)