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Where the Smart Grid Technology Stands Today


Let’s check what we know about ‘smart grid’

Now one might have heard of “Smart Grid” which is known as the next-generation power grid that will help us address global warming issues by cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. One might also wonder then how exactly the smart grid system can help us address climate change.

To understand the smart grid, one needs to under

stand what it stands for. The smart grid is literally about getting smart about our electricity power grid. By applying ICT technologies to the existing power grid, we create a two-way system where power suppliers and users trade electricity production and consumption in real time so that there is no waste of power energy.



Our life quality can be lifted too with the smart grid

Smart grids enable a two-way flow of energy which makes it possible for households to sell backup electricity to production facilities and also enjoy dynamic pricings based on real-time demand. Thus, one can see when the electricity usage is likely to peak and then avoid the peak hours to cut down on electricity bills.

Existing power grids have been flowing only one way from power generation to consumption and in turn are designed to produce extra 15% backup power of expected demand. This system creates certain amounts of power waste and thus leads to lower energy efficiency. With smart grids, however, one should be able to reduce unnecessary usage of fossil fuel for power generation, which in turn cuts down on carbon emissions to contribute to saving the planet Earth.

On top of this, by using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, areas or regions that have not been part of the existing electricity grid would be able to get sufficient power supply. As such, smart grids are truly a forward-looking power distribution network that maximize and optimize high-quality electricity services and energy efficiency. There is a company that has been leading the world by example when it comes to the smart grid: Hyosung Heavy Industries has been trailblazing the path for a future with the smart grid with its ESS solution.


ESS, a gigantic battery that saves electricity for future use

An ESS (Energy Storage System) is a set of methods and technologies used to store energy when energy demand is low for future usage and known as one of the most promising systems under the smart grid. Energy consumption usually peaks in summer and winter, and also in the afternoon during the day. The system saves energy produced using renewable energy sources during the day and stores in the ESS, and then taps into the stored energy during the night times. In a way, it is similar to a mega sized battery which saves up energy while it can and then taps into them whenever needed.



The ESS is categorized into Power Conditioning System (PCS), Power Management System (PMS) and Battery and Battery Management System (BMS). Below are snapshots of what they are.

PCS: This system is responsible for converting the power from AC to DC and vice versa. When it’s converted from AC to DC, electricity power is stored in the battery while the saved power is distributed when the conversion takes place from DC to AC.

PMS: PMS identifies data and information received from the PCS or battery to monitor and control the overall ESS status.

Battery: It stores electricity in the form of direct current or works as an output unit.

BMS: This system measures currents, voltage and temperature to control recharging and discharging of electric currents.


Hyosung Heavy Industries’ ESS solution offers ES PCS with high efficiency and reliability, PMS with various applications and Battery with optimal storage and capacity, meeting global standards.

Hyosung offers various ESS solutions connected with renewable energy source, frequency regulation, peak reduction and independent microgrids to meet different customer needs. In addition, it provides customized ESS consulting services alongside a one-stop service that brings together all and everything when it comes to the ESS solutions – from system building to post-management.


Hyosung Heavy Industries’ ESS is expanding globally

Hyosung Heavy Industries first entered the ESS industry back in 2009 as part a government project. But ever since then, the company has taken great strides. Hyosung has provided ESS solutions worth 250kW/500kWh to Guri Agriculture and Fisheries Corporate in 2012, 4MW/8MWh to Chocheon in Jeju in 2013, 500kW/300kWh to Hong Kong Electric and 900kW/20MWh to Mozambique Africa in 2014, 2MW/3MWh to Gapa Island in Jeju in 2016, and recently 6MW/18MWh to Pyeongchang Wind Power.

A series of such stellar track records are testaments to Hyosung Heavy Industries’ outstanding energy solution and ESS management capacity home and abroad.



Hyosung’s ESS in Britain

As a total energy solution leader in the global market, Hyosung Heavy Industries has been actively engaging markets when it comes to ESS projects. It secured an ESS contract with Downing, one of Britain’s largest investment and asset managers, to provide a 50MW ESS capacity to South Hampton in the UK.

With the deal, Hyosung Heavy Industries is to offer a one-stop ESS solution for the southern part of the UK to be responsible for overall ESS system design, establishment and post-management of up to 10 years.


Hyosung to usher in an era of smart grids

Once the smart grid system is fully embedded in our daily life, it surely will have a positive ripple effect on our life and environment. Energy efficiency will improve as we will be able to distribute energy consumption throughout the day and regardless of seasons. All the while, energy consumers will come forth to cut down on energy consumption under the differential pricing scheme applied for different times and days. We should be able to save up energy as there will be no need of backup power to be stashed away for contingency. Not only that, a stable power supply means more opportunities for renewable energy sources to be tapped into. Hyosung Heavy Industries is leading global efforts to bring in such changes.

The company is also taking part in the Jeju Smart Grid Demonstration Project initiated by the Korean government to test related products and develop new business models. As such, Hyosung Heavy Industries has been working hard to bring the smart grid one step closer to the public who are not yet accustomed to the concept.

With its continued efforts to boost its renewable businesses and win big deals overseas, Hyosung Heavy Industries is investing where its low-carbon green values are and growing as the global smart-grid leader.