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Hyosung Sends Out a Colorful Message For ESG: Make Your Color!


On a sunny autumn day, Hyosung held the Sevit ESG Color Festival to make our own color for eco-friendliness. Sevit Island of Banpo Hangang Park, a landmark of Seoul, was full of vibrant colors. Let’s find out more.   



Promoting Eco-Friendly Activities, Make Your Color!



Sevit ESG Color Festival was first held in October 2022, with the aim of promoting harmony with the environment through vibrant, eco-friendly activities. Under the slogan of “Make Your Color,” the festival had seven themes with seven different colors and various eco-conscious programs were carried out: participants wore regen® T-shirts, walked around, watched performances and engaged in eco-friendly activities. Anyone interested in living an eco-friendly life attended the festival to experience diverse activities and had a wonderful time. So, let’s explore the vivid scenes of the event.


WHITE: Reply to Every Generation’s Future, RE:GEN

Hyosung Group vigorously carries out environmental activities with its eco-friendly brand slogan: Re:GEN, Reply to Every Generation’s Future. Hyosung Group, through its ESG brand RE:GEN, is responding to the request from our future generations to keep the Earth that we temporarily borrowed from our children clean and return it to them.

The regen® zone delivered stories of Hyosung Group and Hyosung TNC brands: RE:GEN, a brand that represents eco-friendliness and regen®, Hyosung’s eco-friendly recycled fiber brand.



In line with the theme “eco-friendliness” of the festival, the booth structure of Hyosung regen® Zone was made of recycled, reusable paper panels. Hyosung TNC conveyed the story of how regen® came to life as a recycled polyester brand that promotes circular economy. Branding stories of regen® Seoul, recycled polyester made from discarded PET bottles in Seoul, and regen® ocean nylon, the nylon fiber recycled from waste fishing nets, were also delivered in the zone. There were also shoes, clothes, ties, and bags made by regen® polyester in the zone for people to see and touch. Visitors were so impressed, saying it’s fascinating that the products are made of used plastic bottles.  

We encouraged the separate disposal of transparent PET bottles and handed out reusable tarpaulin bags to visitors. Furthermore, diverse activities were prepared for visitors to participate, such as playing basketball with PET bottles, or soccer with plastic bottle caps. regen® Zone was shining brightly with many people making memories full of joy as they visited Han River on this sunny day.



TANSOME®, a carbon fiber brand of Hyosung Advanced Materials, also joined the Eco-friendly Brand Zone of the festival. Carbon fiber, stronger but lighter than steel, is a key material in the hydrogen industry, which is a clean energy industry. Various products were presented in the carbon fiber brand zone, from hydrogen fuel tanks, musical instruments, golf clubs, luggage, prosthetic legs, to a heating bench, all made of TANSOME® carbon fiber.

You won’t know how much lighter and stronger carbon fiber is until you feel the weight yourself. So, there was a place for the visitors to lift the same volume of steel and carbon fiber and compare the difference in weight. Isn’t it marvelous that merely 2.5kg of carbon fiber can replace 11.7kg of steel, with even better strength?

Hyosung Advanced Materials is working on a collaboration project with artists and musicians with TANSOME® as its central theme. The company is also partnering with Meta Galaxia, an NFT platform company. An interesting even was held at the booth regarding the NFT project: using AirDrop to download an NFT of ‘Make Your Color’, the ESG soundtrack recorded by Korea’s legendary rock band, No Brain and instruments made of carbon fiber. So, anyone who visited the booth could keep the NFT soundtrack as a unique virtual asset.


YELLOW: Meeting Eco-friendly Brands of Our Everyday Lives, Eco-Friendly Brand Zone

How much are you aware of eco-friendly brands that contribute to protecting the environment in our everyday lives? We organized booths in the Eco-Friendly Brand Zone where visitors could meet and experience eco-conscious brands that are with us in our daily lives.



TOPTEN, a Korean SPA brand, joined the Eco-Friendly Brand zone. The brand signed an MOU with Hyosung TNC for eco-friendly collaboration, and it showcased various clothing made from sustainable material. Its booth was bustling with visitors through the festival coming to join a balance contest in which people had to complete missions such as jumping rope, Korean Jegi kicking, and hula hooping. Samdasoo, a bottled water brand, also joined the zone. The brand belongs to the Jeju Province Development Co. which also signed an MOU with Hyosung TNC for the regen® Jeju project. An Eco-Boongboong truck was brought to the zone all the way from Jeju Island and many programs, including a true-or-false quiz on carbon neutrality, eco-friendly tattoos, were carried out to convey eco-friendly messages to the visitors.

Many other brands also made their presence felt in the zone from Donggubat, which makes eco-friendly products such as soap and shampoo bars with intellectually and developmentally challenged people, Cueclyp, which produces fashion goods using eco-friendly materials, Rewind, which manufactures compostable, biodegradable packaging, Wright Brothers, a secondhand bicycle trading platform, to the Seoul Green Purchase Support Center which works on promoting green activities in our daily lives. These brands offered various activities for everyone to enjoy, such as making organic soap and upcycling keychains, planting byproducts of coffee beans, and playing true-or-false quizzes.


BLUE&GREEN: Caring Health and Environment at Once, Sevit regen® Walk, Sevit regen® Plogging



Everyone is wearing the same shirt and walking together. So where are they heading to? They are on their way to join the Sevit regen® Walk, and Sevit regen® Plogging to protect both their health and the environment.

The eco-friendly t-shirts they were wearing were made of regen® Seoul, Hyosung’s eco-friendly polyester fiber produced by using wasted PET bottles in collaboration with TOPTEN. Participants from both programs joined an environmental cleanup activity on Sevit island by collecting trash.  



Sevit regen® Plogging was carried out in collaboration with ReDi, an organization for marine environment protection, sponsored by Hyosung TNC. Participants were able to contributing to a cleaner marine environment, preventing waste from making their way into the river and ocean by picking up the waste around the Han River. Citizens had a meaningful time with their family, friends, and loved ones under the clean blue sky, picking up trash with a plogging kit made of regen® of Hyosung TNC.  


ORANGE: Caring Sustainability of Our Mind and Body, Sevit Han River Yoga Class

The health of our mind and body comes first before we care about the health of the Earth. In the Sevit ESG Festival, a Sevit Han River Yoga Class was held to help people care for their minds and bodies and enjoy a relaxing moment in their daily lives.



Sunday Namaste, which runs online and offline yoga classes, offered three different yoga programs in the peaceful urban environment, with Sevit island and Han River in the background. Through the three programs, participants were able to gain awareness of their inner circulation, feel a sense of balance and connection to nature, and sustainably build muscles of their mind and body. Overall, it was a time to think about sustainability, and a moment to get away from busy everday lives while looking back on oneself in front of the peaceful Han River. 


PURPLE: Sevit Music Concert

After completing the Sevit regen® Walk, Sevit Plogging, and yoga classes, it is time to dance to music. Let’s look at the Sevit Music Concert that involved exciting performances on the stage of the Sevit island.



The concert was in full swing with performances by rock bands like No Brain, Monni and Zitten, exciting EDM DJ performances as well as a wonderful jazz performance by Get All Right. The ESG soundtrack of Hyosung, Make Your Color, was first introduced during the performance by No Brain. Many people who were taking a walk in the park stopped by and enjoyed the music.


PINK: Eco-friendly Future doesn’t Happen Overnight, Tree Planting in Hyosung Sharing Forest in Seoul



In the World Cup Park in Seoul, there is a forest called Hyosung Sharing Forest in Seoul which Hyosung Group employees have continued to take care of for the last decade. On October 22nd, a follow-up event was held in the forest to plant trees with volunteers who attended the festival. Sevit ESG Color Festival came to a successful end with voluntary practices for making the forest greener.  

Through the Sevit ESG Festival of Hyosung, the city of Seoul full of gray buildings was shining with vibrant and dynamic colors through the colorful programs that joyfully revealed Hyosung’s earnest wishes for a greener environment. Hyosung is dreaming of and will work toward making our city and the Earth brighter and more colorful. Hyosung will continue to strive to make your everyday life colorful, full of eco-friendly products.



MAKE YOUR COLOR! Shining the Gray City with Our Color

Busy Days Passing by, Cities Left with Gray Buildings, Blue Skies Gone   

Our sky, losing its color, must be a clean blue sky, and our city must be vibrant full of color.  Hyosung’s passion for the environment is bearing fruit. It has created recycled materials and explored new energy sources, imbuing the world with vibrant color. Hyosung will continue to dream of and move forward to making our cities and earth brighter with our color.

RE:GEN, Reply to Every Generation’s Future