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‘H2 MEET 2022’ offers a glimpse into the future of hydrogen




Did you know that Korea was the first country to commercialize hydrogen trucks? The H2 MEET 2022, the largest hydrogen exhibition in Korea, was held in Ilsan from 31 Aug – 3 Sept. The exhibition drew international attention with a wide range of participation spanning multinational companies and governments. The global hydrogen leader Hyosung was one of them, which ran a booth under the slogan of ‘Creating Togetherness through New Energy Infrastructure’ to introduce its extensive hydrogen solutions: Here are some of the highlights from the H2 MEET 2022.


‘Touch’ the screen for an answer




Hyosung’s booth showcased various user-interactive activities. For example, at the center of its booth, there were four gigantic cubes, each showing the process of production, storage, distribution, and R&D. Also, at the center, the display screen can be activated to introduce the area in question. Park Il-jun, Korea’s 2d Vice Minister for Trade, Industry, and Energy paid a visit to Hyosung’s booth during the exhibition to be briefed on where Hyosung was in its efforts to facilitate the hydrogen ecosystem.




Visitors were also able to get a quick introduction to Hyosung’s hydrogen business portfolio ranging from liquid hydrogen, charging stations, blue and green hydrogen and distribution by simply touching the screens at the booth. Visitors particularly loved this experience where they can get a quick and easy-to-understand introduction to Hyosung’s hydrogen value-chain.


Liquid hydrogen brings a green future closer

Liquid hydrogen was the buzz word this year on the Hyosung’s exhibition booth. Liquid hydrogen is known as an essential resource expected to overcome gaseous hydrogen to bring hydrogen commercialization earlier than expected.

By joining hands with the global gas name Linde, Hyosung has established two joint ventures, Hyosung Hydrogen and Linde Hydrogen, to build hydrogen value chain. Its liquid hydrogen plant in Ulsan which is scheduled to kick off in operation in May 2023 is set to expand annual capacity up to 39,000 tons.

Compared to its gaseous counterpart, liquid hydrogen can store more volume of hydrogen and also doesn’t need to be kept under high-pressure. Thus commercialization of liquid hydrogen means a wider application in mobility and industries and less carbon emissions.

Visitors were also able to learn about areas of application once commercialization is achieved. For instance, shorter charging time for hydrogen vehicles and high-power density can be achieved for UAM (Urban Air Mobility), drones, trams, trucks, forklifts, excavators and vessels.

Hydrogen can be also applied to power generation and steel industry. Electricity once produced can be stored in the form of liquid hydrogen and fuel cell power plants and generators can be placed in wherever they need to be, ensuring high energy efficiency. If hydrogen is applied to steel making process, steel industry will be able to meet their net-zero aims.

Mr Jung Sang-yul, senior director from Hyosung Heavy Industries, who has been leading the company hydrogen business said, “Hydrogen will be applied first to commercial vehicles. In order to usher in a green fuel era with zero carbon emissions, we need to change our way of thinking to put environment first to everything else.”


From A to Z: Hyosung’s hydrogen portfolio




To facilitate a fast transition to a hydrogen society, Hyosung has been focusing on distribution and charging infrastructure additionally to production when it comes to hydrogen. Alongside its plan to kick off the Ulsan liquid hydrogen plant, Hyosung aims to build a 30-strong charging station network across the country. It is also planning to build a supply network to link charging stations across Korea.

At the exhibition booth, visitors were also able to touch and feel Hyosung TNC’s nylon liner materials and Hyosung Advance Materials’ carbon fiber. The two are essential elements for hydrogen containers and tanks.

Mr Eun Kang-jun, director from Hyosung TNC, said “Nylon liner materials can hold off gaseous hydrogen, are extremely light in weight and offer high temperature tolerance. It is actually the first material Korea has seen to satisfy the strictest specification requirements.” Mr Ban Jung-tae, assistant director from Hyosung Advanced Materials was quoted as saying, “Our TANSOME® is called the ‘material of dream’ for its tensile strength. It has particularly enjoyed strong demand from high pressure container market.


For a net-zero earth built on hydrogen




Hyosung Group has focused on two of the four pillars of the ESG reporting criteria (circular economy, net-zero, new energy infrastructure, and harmful elements/resource saving): Net-zero and new energy infrastructure.

It has spared no efforts in investment in hydrogen ecosystem for the sake of a net-zero future. On top of the liquid hydrogen plant and charging stations currently under construction, the company has been taking the lead in renewable technology development for green and blue hydrogen. What it offered at the H2 MEET 2022 was just a beginning. You can look forward to seeing how Hyosung will shape and lead a hydrogen ecosystem in the coming years.