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Liquid hydrogen to take renewable energy to a whole new level


The water that makes Earth a majestic blue marble

An image of Earth taken from a distance in space resembles a blue marble thanks to water that accounts for 75% of earth’s surface. Water is the most essential element for life on earth which has not been found in any other planets in the solar system. Without water, there is no life on earth and a drop of water holds a renewable energy source that could make or break the future of humanity: Hydrogen.


Hydrogen, a green energy source that will replace fossil fuels

Many scientists believe ever since humanity started to use fossil fuels greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere has increased which in turn has pushed up overall temperature of earth. What can be done for a sustainable future of our planet Earth? Of course, most of all we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, the traditional energy consumption methods that heavily rely on fossil fuels make it challenging to achieve net-zero emissions. That is where hydrogen comes in. The renewable energy source does not emit carbon dioxide when it is put to produce energy. Hyosung has been taking the lead in building an energy ecosystem built on hydrogen.


Green energy source, liquid hydrogen

Hyosung has long been paying attention to hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels. Hydrogen contains three times the energy of gasoline and it is easy to store and transport with ensured safety and convenience, as its raw material is water. When it’s burned it produces no harmful emissions; its only byproducts are nitrogen and water.



In a bid to enhance efficiency in hydrogen distribution, Hyosung has been involved in turning gaseous hydrogen into liquid one. Hydrogen stays in the liquid form at a temperature of minus 253 degrees in Celsius which can be easily stored and transported as its volume is just 1/800 that of gaseous hydrogen, and also offers better energy efficacy. Liquid hydrogen refueling stations require less space than that of gaseous ones, saving costs for construction. They also require less operational costs thanks to high-efficient low electricity pumps and also offer higher energy density.


Hyosung to expand hydrogen distribution with liquid hydrogen



Hyosung is to increase its liquid hydrogen production and distribution. As our economy transitions into hydrogen economy, there will be more hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and commercial hydrogen cars such as hydrogen buses and trucks on the roads. Thus building an efficient liquid hydrogen supply system of storage and transport is a must. Hyosung is to build a liquid hydrogen plant in the near future.


To build a world’s largest liquid hydrogen plant



Built on its 20-year long technology in gas plants, Hyosung has secured the number one position in hydrogen charging stations in Korea. It has recently joined hands with Linde Group, a global industrial gas name, to build the world’s largest liquid hydrogen factory on a 30,000m2 site in its Ulsan Yongyeon factory with daily capacity of 30 tons. The plant will kick off its operation in May 2023 to start supplying liquid hydrogen from the second half of the year. This plant will produce up to 13,000 tons of liquid hydrogen per year, enough to fuel 100,000 hydrogen vehicles for a year. It aims to increase production capacity to 90 tons/day and 39,000 tons/annum by 2030.


Bringing hydrogen close to everyday life

Four liquid hydrogen charging stations are currently being built in Geoje, Ulsan, Gyeongsan and Gwangyang with an aim to expand the national network of charging stations up to 30 by the time the plant in Yongyeon is completed in construction. At recharging stations, liquid hydrogen allows much faster refills ― it takes far shorter time for the liquid to be pumped out than for the gas to be compressed. Liquid hydrogen recharging stations require less upfront investment and maintenance costs. At a time of contingency, they can be readily fixed through the national maintenance system.


Aims to grow global with its hydrogen roadmap

Hyosung has been emerging as a leading player in the global hydrogen industry backed by technology built in Hyosung Heavy Industries and Hyosung Chemical, and experience and knowhow acquired through joint ventures with global names. Hyosung aims to expand hydrogen’s use in transportation is evolving in all areas of mobility spanning passenger vehicles, buses, trucks, heavy machinery, airplanes, drones as well as vessels and submarines. It also plans to build a strong hydrogen value chain of production, storage, transport, supply and consumption with its green and blue hydrogen production. Please stay with Hyosung as it continuously works on its hydrogen roadmap to grow into a world’s leading hydrogen provider.