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Hyosung will always be a business that co-creates
the future with our customers.

Select category *
  1. Indonesia
  2. PT Hyosung Jakarta TNS Office
Name *
Email address*
  • You will get a reply to the email address you provided.
Subject *
Details of inquiry *
  • For a faster response, please include the country (or region), company name, and related products (products you wish to purchase).
Consent to the collection and use of personal data *
  • 1. Scope of collection

    The Company collects personal data within the minimum scope required to provide services.

    Scope of collection
    1) Scope of collection for customer inquiries
    Name, email address
    2) Scope of collection when downloading resources from the Download Center
    Name, email address, and name of the company
    3)Scope of collection when sharing resources on the Download Center
    Name, email address
    4) Scope of collection when reporting via the Whistleblowing Center (real name)
    Name, email address, and contact information
    5) Scope of collection of data generated automatically when using the website
    Access IP, history of service use, access logs, cookies, and MAC address
  • 2. Purpose of collection

    The Company collects personal data for the following reasons.

    Scope of collection
    1) Scope of collection for customer inquiries
    Identification of users, response to user’s inquiries, and delivery of notices
    2) Scope of collection when downloading resources from the Download Center
    Identification of users
    3)Scope of collection when sharing resources on the Download Center
    Sending emails
    4) Scope of collection when reporting via the Whistleblowing Center (real name)
    Identification of users, report of corruption, and handling of complaints
    5) Scope of collection of data generated automatically when using the website
    Stable service operation and quality improvement by analysis of users’ use of services including identifying the access frequency and collecting service use statistics
  • 3. Retention period

    Personal data of data subjects are destroyed without delay once the collection and purpose of personal data have been reached. However, the following data will be retained for the below reasons within the specified periods.

    Scope of collection
    1) Scope of collection for customer inquiries
    Retention period: 1 year
    Reason for retention: Identification of users, response to user’s inquiries, and delivery of notices
    2) Scope of collection when downloading resources from the Download Center
    Retention period: 1 year
    Reason for retention: Identification of users
    3)Scope of collection when sharing resources on the Download Center
    Retention period: 6 months
    Reason for retention: Sending emails
    4) Scope of collection when reporting via the Whistleblowing Center (real name)
    Retention period: 1 year
    Reason for retention: Identification of users, report of corruption, handling of complaints
    5) Scope of collection of data generated automatically when using the website
    Retention period: 6 months
    Reason for retention: Identification of access frequency and collection of service use statistics
    6) Right to disagree in the collection of personal data
    The data subject has the right to refuse the collection of personal data; the refusal, however, can lead to limitations in creating accounts and using services and non-provision of data.

Consent to the collection and use of personal data *
  • 1. The Company consigns the handling of personal information as follows for the sake of efficient business, and stipulates matters necessary to safely manage personal information when entering into a consignment contract according to related laws.
    Scope of collection
    Website operations
    Consignee: Hyosung TNS Inc
    Details of consignment : homepage maintenance, system management, etc.
    Term for retention and use of personal data : As expressly specified or until the purpose is no longer valid
  • 2. Right to Refuse Consignment of Handling of Personal Information

    The information subject can refuse consignment of handling of the types of information specified above. However, if you do not consent to consignment of handling of such personal information, we may not be able to provide you with the services related to your membership sign up and other necessary tasks.