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RE:GEN GUARDIAN: Coexisting with All Living Beings



The Foundation of RE:GEN GUARDIAN

In an era where environmental concerns are rapidly escalating, many corporations are increasingly feeling their responsibility towards the environment, adopting eco-friendly management policies, and continuously contemplating ways to fulfill their social duties. This sincerity towards environmental issues has given rise to eco-consumers who seek products from companies with a strong environmental stance. They aim to purchase eco-friendly products that embody a vision for a sustainable future when faced with similar products. The movement is accelerating at an unprecedented pace, as consumers seek to practice environmental protection by consuming products that are produced in an environmentally friendly way and embody a philosophy of sustainability.


What environmental interest does Hyosung have? First and foremost, Hyosung has established a brand mission to create an ecosystem where future generations and all living beings can coexist harmoniously. Numerous species have vanished due to human industrial activities, and even a single organism being removed from the chain can cause a minute fissure in Earth's circulation, potentially leading to an imbalance. Hyosung is acutely aware of this issue and strives to protect and restore the habitats of all living beings, preserving their diversity. Moreover, transcending ethical perspectives, we recognize that each organism inherently possesses the right and purpose to exist. In order to preserve these roles and safeguard the symbiosis between humanity and Earth, Hyosung has launched RE:GEN GUARDIAN.




RE:GEN GUARDIAN operates on four fundamental values. Firstly, it aims to broaden awareness of the inherent right of all living beings to survive. Hyosung seeks to disseminate the notion that all creatures have the right to live, regardless of human necessity. Secondly, Hyosung takes responsibility for the environmental improvement of all living beings. Countless extinctions throughout human history can be attributed to our industrial activities. We must protect, restore, and take responsibility for ensuring that diverse organisms can forge a peaceful future on their own terms. Thirdly, Hyosung recognizes that "coexistence is mutual prosperity." All living beings, including humans, maintain a balance essential to Earth's circulation; the system will quickly collapse if links are severed. Consequently, the survival of all living beings is interconnected with human survival. Fourthly, Hyosung advocates for bold action and improvement through tangible practices. Mere value-oriented attitudes will not resolve the pressing issues before us; practical and concrete actions for the environment are indispensable.


Hyosung's restoration project for biodiversity protection, RE:GEN GUARDIAN, follows a set of guiding  principles that include establishing relevance with actual businessesfocusing on ESG philosophy over  ESG scores, and implementing genuine and substantive environmental management practices. Our first priority is to anticipate and proactively address the environmental impacts that may arise from our business operations. As we actively evaluate and respond to the direct effects of our activities on the natural environment, such as the destruction of marine habitats from our plastic business or water pollution from wastewater discharge during manufacturing, Hyosung is committed to finding responsible ways to protect the environment and transform our business practices to be more eco-friendly.


Rather than engaging in superficial environmental conservation activities based solely on ESG scores, our aim is to safeguard the environment from the perspective of Earth's long-term sustainability and the rights of living beings, grounded in ESG philosophy. At Hyosung, we recognize the importance of avoiding excessive associations with specific species, as doing so can create confusion within ecosystems. Instead, we strive to show concern for a diverse range of living beings that make up our world.


Furthermore, Hyosung aspires to a sustainable future through ESG management, which encompasses environmental protection and includes social contribution activities, such as supporting socially vulnerable groups and adhering strictly to laws and ethics.



Seagrass Forests and Jeonju Dysophylla yatabeana Makino: Breathing New Life

One of the most representative eco-friendly initiative of the RE:GEN GUARDIAN project is the preservation of seagrass forests. In November 2022, Hyosung Corporation, Hyosung TNC, and Hyosung Heavy Industries collaborated with the Korea Fisheries Resources Agency and Geoje City by contributing to the Rural Community Cooperation Fund. Seagrass, a representative of blue carbon, serves as a nursery for marine life, aiding in the growth of young fish and habitat. Due to its significant impact on the marine ecosystem, seagrass is designated as a marine protected species and managed accordingly. The funds contributed by Hyosung will be used for monitoring seagrass distribution and habitat conditions, transplanting seagrass to necessary locations, and collecting abandoned fishing gear in the ocean. In particular, Hyosung Heavy Industries is carrying out a wetland conservation project, which is expected to contribute to ecosystem restoration by focusing on wetland purification activities and creating resting spaces this year.


Additionally, Hyosung is actively involved in a planting and conservation project for the Class II endangered species, Jeonju Dysophylla yatabeana Makino. In collaboration with the National Institute of Ecology, Hyosung is expanding restoration areas for the disappearing Dysophylla yatabeana Makino by donating 2,000 plants and the construction cost for planting sites at the Girin Park in Jeonju City. The natural habitats of these plants have been vanishing due to environmental destruction, and Hyosung is doing its best to restore them.


Moreover, Hyosung Chemical is promoting various biodiversity conservation activities and expanding their scope. This includes the plogging campaign conducted around the Han River to address the biodiversity crisis resulting from climate change and improving environmental awareness among employees. They are passionate about conserving biodiversity and are gradually expanding their activities.


A Sustainable Future with RE:GEN GUARDIAN

Aiming for "ESG technology for the future of all generations," the Hyosung Group has two main objectives: "solving the imminent global issues" and "well-being of future generations."

To solve the environmental issues faced by today's generation, Hyosung continuously reflects and seeks solutions. The company aims to practice management that ensures future generations enjoy the same level of prosperity as we do today. This eco-friendly management mindset, combined with Hyosung Group's wide range of technological capabilities, will enable a significant reduction in climate crises and waste issues.


The Earth owes it abundance of oxygen and beauty as a planet to marine phytoplankton. Various creatures exist in places we may not be aware of, maintaining balance for Earth's circulation. Amid ongoing survival crises threatening survival, countless living beings enjoy the blessing of coexistence due to the resilience of life. Hyosung's RE:GEN GUARDIAN movement, aimed at protecting biodiversity and preserving the circulation of humanity and Earth, is poised to expand even more vigorously in the future. With the belief that a green Earth lies at the end of the arrow pointed by our eco-friendly actions today, Hyosung is committed to unfolding ESG management.