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Brand Journalism

Embarking Upon a New Chapter in the Tale of Hyosung, the Hyosung Brand Film


A unique approach Is employed to a new brand, reinforce its message, or transform its image: the 'Brand Film.' A brand film is an innovative media concept that combines the characteristics of both commercial advertisements and short films. It poetically expresses a company or brand’s values, vision, and history, not as an advertisement, but as a metaphorical cinematic piece.


In the past, corporate advertisements promoted products or listed fragmented information about the company. Those ads were composed of unilateral video formats focused on delivering basic introductions. In contrasts, brand films possess a distinct character. They encapsulate the values, vision, and messages the company and brand seek to convey, emphasizing storytelling and value-centered communication.


Naturally, brand films serve as a marketing tool for businesses and brands. However, their objective extends beyond merely selling products. They aim to foster a long-term consumer base by communicating the brand's values and unique aspects through high-quality content. The distinction between conventional advertisements and brand films lies in their focus on cultivating a loyal following rather than on immediate sales figures. The films, referred to as 'brand films' instead of 'movies,’ usually last less than 10 minutes and follow a cinematic format.

Hyosung, an innovative and socially responsible brand, plans to create a brand film. We discussed the upcoming Hyosung Brand Film in an interview with the Hyosung Brand Marketing Team.



Q. Before the main discussion, could you explain 'Brand Films'? What are they?

Brand Marketing Team: A 'Brand Film' is a tool for communicating the essential experiences, core values, and a philosophy a company wishes to convey to customers. It is one of many channels- including press releases, social media, websites, Etc. – but its unique attribute is the practical expression through visuals. It is a powerful way to convey a company's brand identity and visual identity through film.


Q. Who do you aim to reach with the Hyosung's Brand Film once it's produced?

Brand Marketing Team: We hope that our Brand Film reaches a broad audience- from B2B customers and our employees to Generation Z consumers. Rather than being confined to a specific target group, we aim to incorporate a brand message that speaks to everyone. Through the upcoming Hyosung Brand Film, we aspire to convey the future values that Hyosung pursues, our brand identity, and the direction and strategy of our ESG brand.


Hyosung’s new brand concept, 'Agile Promise,' stands for 'nimble pledge towards customer immersion'. Building on this main theme, we've established a brand mission: 'Let's be the first to fulfill our promise to customers for innovation and a sustainable tomorrow.' Our pursuit of innovative technology, and engagement in social contribution activities, both domestically and abroad, are all part of our efforts to fulfill this promise to customers. To achieve our goals, Hyosung strives to become a 'global No.1 innovative solution company leading the transition era.' While we continue to grow as a global innovation company that pursues excellence and innovation, we remain committed to fulfilling our promise to customers through values of responsibility and trust. We aim to present our brand identity, 'Promising the Future Today,' a slogan embodying all these messages, through the brand film.



Q: What core values must the Hyosung brand film embody?

Brand Marketing Team: We aim to encapsulate 'Hyosung Way' - Hyosung's business value system and key values. ‘Hyosung Way’ refers to a value structure designed to share the necessary competencies and mindset amongst all global Hyosung employees aiming towards new objectives as a pioneering global enterprise. It clearly declares Hyosung's values, judgment, and behavioral standards, both internally and externally. It serves as a value-based decision-making guide for the company, Hyosung, and its employees.

While inheriting its past principles, Hyosung has also recalibrated its management philosophy based on the values of the new brand concept, 'Agile Promise.' It is a shift in direction while preserving the existing values of the Hyosung Way. Moving beyond a result-oriented mindset from a corporate perspective, we've encapsulated the intent to co-create the 'process' of change and success within society. The first value, 'Excellence,' signifies Hyosung's relentless effort to achieve superior levels of change and innovation necessary in the lives of global customers. The second, 'Innovation,' represents embracing challenges through new methods, courageously confronting difficulties, and taking bold actions. The third value, 'Responsibility,' reflects Hyosung's dedication to change and innovation, customer commitments, and a sustainable future. The final value, 'Trust,' signifies Hyosung's commitment to adapt to change and create dynamic synergy based on mutual respect, trust, and resource allocation.


Q. Could you express Hyosung's brand persona in a single phrase encapsulated in the brand film?

Brand Marketing Team: In one phrase, it would be 'A corporation committed to creating innovative and sustainable tomorrows for its customers.' To resonate with life, Hyosung not only imagines and pursues innovative solutions for a sustainable future for humanity but is the first to actualize them, thereby solving the problems of customers and society. Hyosung strives to pioneer innovation and sustainable development to fulfill its customer commitment. In the past seven decades, Hyosung has developed solutions that have met the needs of customers and industries in textiles, material chemistry, heavy industry, IT infrastructure, and renewable energy. Based on this experience, Hyosung will listen to the voices of innovation desired by customers and society, make commitments to its customers, and meet those them first.


If Hyosung's brand mission is 'fulfilling its commitments to customers,' its vision is to be reborn as the global No.1 innovative solution company, leading the transition. It aspires to grow into an innovative solution company with global competitiveness in sectors such as energy and infrastructure, thereby realizing environmental-digital-social value transitions. In an era of significant changes, with industry and societal paradigms shifting more dynamically than ever, the world requires a new approach to overcome uncertainty and embrace change. Hyosung is committed to overcoming these challenges, leveraging its advanced technology in business areas such as chemistry, materials, energy, infrastructure, and IT. It is transitioning into a faster and more innovative organizational culture. Furthermore, Hyosung aims to become the world’s leading innovative solution provider, enabling environmental, digital, and social transitions together with its customers.


Hyosung aspires to become a company that pursues agility while enacting its 'Agile Promise,' grounded in innovation, sustainability, and addressing customer needs. The company also strives to foster speed, efficiency, and agility, encouraging internal and external collaboration. Through our brand film, we hope you can experience these messages.



Hyosung has consistently utilized various platforms including YouTube, brand journalism, and social media, to express its core values and importance. By presenting Hyosung’s product range and illustrating the real-world applications of these products, this communication strategy showcases a behind-the-scenes look at Hyosung employees. Through such initiative, Hyosung has aimed to enhance engagement by showing the everyday relevance of its offering.


This brand film aims to encapsulate Hyosung's core values, heartfelt messages, and its authentic vision. It introduces Hyosung’s newly established values, highlighting its ambition to become the global No.1 innovative solution company, its commitment to customers for innovation and sustainability, and its embodiment of agility and passion for innovation.


Hyosung is now actively communicating its new identity through various channels, including the upcoming brand film, following its journey over the past half-century. The film will be the next step in communicating Hyosung’s genuine messages and storytelling. Our new brand identity and values will reaffirm the company’s vision and direction, and we invite you to witness them. As we strive to lead the transition era as the global no.1 innovative solutions company, we invite you to join us. Please keep an eye on Hyosung's tomorrow.