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Brand Journalism

Hyosung’s Digital Marketing for Enhanced Consumer Engagement




The 'Metaverse,' a three-dimensional digital space enabling social and economic activities beyond virtual reality, is emerging as the next-generation alternative universe. Diving deeper into the rise of the Metaverse, the shift in our perception of living spaces is one of the reasons for it becoming more prevalent. The digital 'space' is now recognized as the 'world' in which we live. Digital technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, required for eating, playing, enjoying, obtaining information, and consuming.


As digital living becomes common, the boundaries between businesses and customers in transactional and communicative relationships have begun to blur. Consequently, a new strategy called B2C2B (Business to Consumer to Business) marketing has emerged, combining elements of B2C and B2B marketing. B2B marketing targets organizational needs, interests, and challenges, while B2C marketing pursues customer interests beyond mere transactions. Although these two marketing approaches have different target audiences, they cannot be considered completely separate. For instance, a company that designs office spaces may also sell office supplies to individuals, encompassing both aspects of its marketing strategy.


According to Salesforce’s Global Marketing Trends report (State of Marketing), businesses and customers alike have shown an increasing tendency to expand marketing in digital environments following the pandemic. Among B2C/B2B customers, 81% spend more time online, with social media (91%) and digital advertising (91%) identified as actively utilized digital channels. This increased focus on online marketing channels indicates that B2B customers also significantly influence the general public, as publicly accessible digital channels can ultimately reach ordinary customers. These changes underscore the growing importance of direct 'communication' between businesses and customers. Companies that can quickly share information and engage with customers at the right time are more likely to thrive.


In light of these changes, Hyosung is ramping up its digital marketing efforts to enhance customer communication, empowering the general public to better comprehend and capitalize on its offerings. Hyosung's products are providing convenience in various aspects of daily life, beyond what customers may realize, making proactive communication more crucial than ever before.


Hyosung’s Consumer-centric Marketing aims to Showcase the Brand Value in Everyday Life

Although Hyosung products are incorporated in most aspects of daily life, it is still challenging for customers to identify them if they don't pay close attention to products’ components or materials. Thus, Hyosung is introducing areas where its technological expertise is applied, such as water and electricity, food, various detergents, clothing, and more. This includes nylon and PET films that keep food ingredients fresher for longer, TAC films that enhance screen visibility for devices like TVs and tablets, spandex fibers used in leggings, energy-saving pumps that supply domestic water, and digital substations that provide electricity to households. The goal is to communicate to customers the wide variety and range of products developed and produced by Hyosung.


Hyosung has launched a 'Brand Revisioning' project to increase the Hyosung brand awareness, and has restructured its marketing approach accordingly.  The goal is to effectively implement not only B2B marketing targeting businesses but also B2C marketing for end consumers and stakeholders. The brand revitalization project is a medium-to-long-term initiative to enhance Hyosung's brand value and recognition. Moreover, it aims to convey Hyosung's innovative efforts by transforming stories that capture the value of its brand and numerous products into digital content.




This can be attributed to digital media diversification, including YouTube and social media platforms. The more significant reason, however, is that Hyosung's messages and contents are conveyed and communicated in a way that resonates with its target audience. As a result, its digital content marketing can be more customer-centric rather than company-centric. By tailoring content to suit the unique characteristics of each channel, a virtuous cycle of communication is established. This cycle involves continuously gathering customer feedback, leveraging data, and promptly incorporating insights into the content to consistently provide desired information.


Hyosung: Committed to a Sustainable Future and Planet

The impetus for such a confident focus on content stems from Hyosung’s unique development and origin stories for its products. From eco-friendly technology development to production processes, Hyosung prioritizes future generations and the planet. Embracing a mission for a sustainable future, Hyosung has proclaimed its commitment to ESG management. It has been diligently improving existing products, developing proprietary technologies, and unveiling innovative offerings in alignment with this commitment.




Prominent examples include Hyosung TNC's world-first nylon recycled fiber 'regen Ocean Nylon,' which was developed and commercialized by recycling discarded fishing nets using exceptional technology in eco-friendly textile manufacturing. Other examples include 'CREORA Bio-based', a bio-spandex fiber made from corn extracts, and Hyosung Advanced Materials' 'tirecord', which boasts around 50% global market share for its lightweight carbon fiber material technology. Hyosung Chemical leads the global component materials market with the highest market share for 'pipe-grade polypropylene' and globally competitive, high-quality chemical component materials such as 'TPA' and 'polyketone'. The list of products continues to grow, and with enhanced eco-friendly technology and product capabilities, Hyosung is rising to a top player position in various global industries.


Over the years, Hyosung has solidified the foundation of its products and achieved growth. It has become increasingly important for Hyosung to actively share with its customers the stories behind the development and unveiling of these products. By using digital medium, Hyosung intends to proactively engage in storytelling.




Hyosung: Connecting with Customers through Emotional Content

Currently, Hyosung engages customers through various social media channels including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and KakaoTalk, offering emotionally resonant content with relatable explanation of its products. YouTube channels, in particular, play a critical role in communicating stories about products and technologies to the global Gen Z audience. Hyosung manages multiple YouTube channels, including Hyosung Worldwide, Hyosung Chemical Worldwide, Hyosung Advanced Materials Worldwide, Hyosung Heavy Industries Worldwide, and Harrington Tube/


Hyosung's YouTube videos convey the company’s eco-friendly efforts under ESG management. The company explains the environment-friendly process in which its products are made, and their impact on transforming the daily lifestyle into a sustainable one. Audiences can easily understand previously hard-to-grasp mechanisms of the product and stories with these videos. This leads the audience to relate with Hyosung and actively participate in Hyosung’s efforts and eco-friendly values. Moreover, Hyosung’s success in the global market has exponentially increased demand and interest for its products around the world. This allows to reach a broader global audience and promote its efforts.


Hyosung’s LinkedIn channel serves as a means of communication, utilizing brand manifestos, brand journalism, and timely content, to convey the company’s vision and innovative spirit to customers and facilitate effective communication. The channel provides relevant and timely digital content about Hyosung, including branding content and information on technological innovation and environmental friendliness, targeting global B2B industry professionals and potential customers. Additionally, job-related content is offered to those interested in employment opportunities at Hyosung.




To improve the customers’ understanding of Hyosung, the company developed the Hyosung Metashowroom, which is a virtual 3D showroom that offers a unique perspective from the customers’ point of view. This showroom is divided into nine categories, including Hyosung Group, Brand, ESG, TNC, Advanced Materials, Chemical, Heavy Industries, TNS, and Lifestyle. Through the Hyosung Metashowroom, the audience can learn about Hyosung's products, technology, brand, eco-friendly vision, VOC, and agile management. This digital space allows for visits beyond the constraints of time and space. Additionally, Hyosung plans to continuously update the Metashowroom to provide audiences with interesting experiences.


Hyosung plans to further establish its brand platform by renewing its official website and creating a 3D exhibition hall, the Hyosung Metashowroom, in order to enhance brand recognition. Additionally, Hyosung will continue to strengthen communication with its target audience, including employees, shareholders, B2B customers, and the general public, and differentiate itself through various strategies and channels. By offering tailored content to its target audience through a variety of strategies, Hyosung invites you to follow its channel now!




Channel Name


Digital Showroom



Hyosung Worldwide


Hyosung Worldwide



Linked in

Hyosung Worldwide

Kakao channel


Hyosung TNC


Hyosung Performance Textiles - YouTube


Hyosung Performance Textiles Worldwide


Hyosung Performance Textiles Worldwide

Linked in


Hyosung Advanced Materials


Hyosung Advanced Materials Worldwide


Hyosung Advanced Materials Worldwide



Linked in

Hyosung Advanced Materials Worldwide

Hyosung Chemical


Hyosung Chemical Worldwide


Hyosung Chemical Worldwide



Linked in

Hyosung Chemical Worldwide

Hyosung Heavy   Industries


Hyosung Heavy Industries Worldwide





Linked in


Hyosung Harrington Place




Hyosung Harrington Place



Linked in
