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Together, We Go Further: Meaningful Companionship
The artist Vincent van Gogh said, "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Hyosung constantly invest in R&D to create a better future and a sustainable tomorrow while striving for ethical management through environmental protection and social contribution. Having partners who share our vision, are dedicated to ongoing collaboration, and are dedicated to achieving our shared goals will enable us to make a greater impact and reach further in the future. Hyosung has partnered with valuable group of allies and partners called the RE:GEN Alliance, which shares the same vision and committed to walking together toward a future. Hyosung encourages the growth of RE:GEN Alliance partners to create tomorrow for the next generation and has prepared various ways to coexist. Today, Hyosung will present how to pave the way for a better future with its partners.
The Beginning of Mutual Growth, Win-Win Partnership Fund for Rural Areas and Small Businesses
The Rural Community Win-Win Partnership Fund were created to promote farm and fishing villages development. They encourage collaboration among large, small, and medium-sized agriculture and fisheries enterprises to drive progress toward a better future for Korea by creating shared value. The Rural Community Win-Win Partnership Fund was launched to enhance the competitiveness of farmers and fishermen and to strengthen the mutual growth infrastructure between large companies and SMEs. Win-win cooperation funds are used in rural areas to encourage private investment in pending issues that cannot be resolved by public investment alone and to present new growth solutions. By providing opportunities for farming and fishing villages, we offer opportunities to do business and new business opportunities by suggesting business directions or items and support for systematic social contribution activities. Helping companies create business opportunities, expand, and pave the way for sustainable growth is all the more meaningful than just supporting economic investment.
Hyosung's Contribution to Win-win Partnership Fund for Rural Areas and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
To strengthen ESG management and grow together with farming and fishing villages and small and medium-sized enterprises, Hyosung recently donated the Win-win Cooperation Funds to large, small, and medium-sized enterprises and the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperation Foundation. Hyosung Co., Ltd., Hyosung TNC, Hyosung Heavy Industries, Hyosung Advanced Materials, and Hyosung Chemical Co., Ltd. KRW 4.5 billion was donated for win-win cooperation between farmers and fishermen, and KRW 5.5 billion was donated for win-win cooperation between small and medium-sized businesses. Hyosung has invested in Rural Community Win-Win Fund so that eco-friendly technology-applied products can be provided, including the production of products using Hyosung TNC's eco-friendly yarn regen and agricultural product dryers made of carbon fiber TANSOME®, which is a high-efficiency heating element of Hyosung Advanced Materials, in farming and fishing villages, along with the conservation of marine biodiversity. It is also intended to be used to revitalize the local economy and communicate with stakeholders through the construction of local education facilities and the purchase of products. Furthermore, the SME Win-Win Fund supports safety equipment, such as body cameras, airbag vests, and remote inspection facilities, to enhance suppliers' safety and quality levels. To support suppliers' effort to reduce energy consumption and carbon labeling, we decide to support start-ups discovered through open innovation, develop eco-friendly materials for SMEs, and open flagship stores. As part of its commitment, Hyosung will support enhancing competitiveness, stabilizing management, and exploring coexistence possibilities with partner companies and farming and fishing villages. By participating in the public-private partnership fund, Hyosung also pledges to strengthen its carbon neutrality and ESG management capabilities, which are increasingly important at the global level.
A Meaningful Cooperation for the Environment, RE:GEN ALLIANCE
Hyosung believes that by supporting SMEs that will achieve the meaning and value of Hyosung's ESG brand RE:GEN together with the support of the SME win-win fund, we can achieve great achievements that will grow together and create a sustainable future and a better future. Hyosung is proclaiming and operating the ESG brand RE:GEN, promising ESG activities to create a planet for all generations. Hyosung's RE:GEN aims to improve the environment of the planet and realize a sustainable future through ESG activities by adding Hyosung's technological capabilities centering on core values such as circular economy, carbon neutrality, renewable energy and smart reduction. However, we recognized that there are limitations solely due to Hyosung's own activities, and together we will form RE:GEN Alliance with SMEs to understand the value of RE:GEN, realize carbon neutrality, change society and create an innovative and transparent management culture. We will start a meaningful accompaniment to integrate our practices and changes of many SMEs who have become members of the RE:GEN ALLIANCE to create an overall wave of society. Hyosung will strive to become an ESG alliance that supports our partners to increase their competitiveness, achieves small growth in succession with companies that share RE:GEN's will and vision, and achieves a sustainable future and social achievement.
Accompanying the All Species, RE:GEN GUARDIAN
Hyosung intends to use the Rural Community Win-Win Fund to preserve the safe living of various creatures on the planet, especially marine life. In addition to supporting the circular economy, carbon neutrality, new energy, and resource reduction practices, Hyosung prepares a habitat for various creatures to live and protects the disappearing species. One of the projects is the Marine Forest Management Project, which has been carrying out a range of sustained and diverse activities such as restoring marine protected creatures, wetland purification activities, creating resting areas, monitoring habitat environments, and collecting abandoned fishing gear. Having started a marine forest management project in 2022 to protect marine protected habitats, Hyosung is committed to restoring and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Hyosung Co., Ltd., Hyosung T & C Co., and Hyosung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd expanded the marine forest management project to include all group companies from 2023. Since then, Hyosung has expanded its awareness of the right of all species to survive, the awareness of responsibility for improving the environment of all species, the value of coexistence that the survival of all species is the survival of human beings and bold initiatives for improvement through practice. A new initiative, the RE:GEN GUARDIAN, was launched to accompany all species.
Hyosung Group is dedicated to creating a sustainable planet and making a better tomorrow, and we work to improve our society’s environment. Practicing ethical management, protecting the environment, and contributing to society are always challenging for an organization. Recognizing that social performance cannot be created solely by oneself, Hyosung seeks meaningful companionship and moves forward. Hyosung is looking forward to creating synergies in ESG management by partnering with companies that share true values and a desire to realize those values. RE:GEN GUARDIAN project will continue to protect the planet’s well-being, the conservation of ecosystems, and the rights of all living beings. Hyosung has taken the first steps to protect life, protect the planet, and protect the lives of all generations who will live on Earth. We aspire to walk that path with our RE:GEN ALLINACE partners. To preserve the precious lives of this land and its natural heritage for future generations, keep in touch with Hyosung's meaningful companion. We will unite Hyosung's current practices for a magnificent future and a brilliant tomorrow.